3-time Breast Cancer Survivor-  Customer Spotlight

3-time Breast Cancer Survivor- Customer Spotlight

Jane May Graves- Founder/Chemist of Luxe Beauty, Inc.
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"Serving and attempting to inspire others is a responsibility, not a choice." – Bill Courtney 

I felt responsible for sharing customer Meredith's story with you- a 3-time Breast Cancer Survivor.  May her journey and my Mom's inspire and help others find hope when they need it most. 

My heart stopped the day my Mom and I sat in an oncologist's office and were told she had stage 4 cancer. They said they could do nothing due to the tumor being around major blood vessels, and she had four months to live. The tumor was the size of a basketball (touching her appendix, cervix, uterus, and colon ).

I became laser-focused, read, and researched everything I could on healing cancer. I won't go into the details, but after finding the right holistic and integrative protocals, my Mom recovered in less than one year.  Now fifteen years later, my Mom is healthy and has a zest for life.  She is a walking miracle and an inspiration.

Many people in their lifetime may face health challenges that can leave them feeling hopeless, scared, and powerless. 

My mission with luxe beauty's inception has always been that it will be a beacon of light to inspire and spread hope.

Today I want to shine an inspirational spotlight on a luxe beauty customer named Meredith- A 3 time Breast Cancer survivor.

Recently I connected with Meredith, and she shared her journey with me. 

I was deeply touched and felt called to share it with you. 

breast cancer survivor

"My name is Meredith.  I am in my late 50s and a 3-time breast cancer survivor.

With my last breast cancer surgery in San Francisco, I found myself in a breast cancer center with a group of women waiting to be called in for various reasons like mammography, seed placement, ultrasound, or all three.

Because this was during Covid, all the women were there alone.  While I was waiting, I started to talk to and comfort a woman next to me who was clearly terrified.

This conversation started a group discussion in this waiting area of women.  We discussed breast cancer and the changes to our bodies and skin brought about by the various treatments most of us had been given.

For me, cancer treatments showed up on my skin first and made my skin so sensitive that it was impossible to use almost anything except water.  My skin was chronically uncomfortable and irritated from treatments.

One of the women mentioned that she had the same experience and was using products by Luxe Beauty exclusively because it was all she could tolerate.  Despite her situation, she had beautiful skin, so I made a mental note.

A few weeks after the surgery and into my healing, I remembered this conversation, and I got on the internet and looked up luxe beauty.  I saw how the owner’s mother was healed of stage 4 cancer, which gave me hope and inspired me.

This hope protected me and helped me when I needed it most. 

I read everything on the site, which led me to do a ton of research.  I ended up at the EWG and Think Dirty App.  I learned how important it is to evaluate everything I put on my skin.  I learned about the dangers of plastic containers.  I learned a better way to live and care for my skin and environment because of the information on the luxe beauty site. 

The next day I started using the coconut luxe lotion and the 4 in 1 Cleanser/Skin Detox, and my skin responded immediately. 

The changes were nothing short of amazing! 

My pore size became visibly smaller, my tone and texture improved, my redness calmed, and it felt great on my skin. 

I started getting compliments on my skin from my friends and family, so I shared with them what I learned, and now they are all using luxe beauty products too.

I have added the potent antioxidant serum and now put a drop on my surgery scars, which is working out fantastically too! 

I also use the lip plumper and the peptide night cream, which are amazing!  I love these products, but best of all, they are non-toxic and in glass containers.

 I have stopped using toxic body products, household cleansers, and detergents, and I love it.

For the first time in the last five years, “cancer free,” and I have great skin, too, thanks to luxe beauty. 

Thank you, Jane, and thank you, Luxe beauty!"

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